One Less Hungry Tribe in the World

by: Rev. Ernie Catanghal

April 17, 2017 (Monday)

The day that we have been long praying for, the day the northeast wind have totally subsided and the sea is calm safe for transporting the rice mill machine and engine that we are donating to the Iraya Mangyan tribe of Kalansan in Paluan, Occidental Mindoro. Kuya Bong Suarez and I left on a borrowed truck from a friend to transport the “blessings” from Manila to the Port of Calatagan, Batangas where the tribesmen’s two boats are waiting for us. After the cargos  has been safely unloaded from the truck kuya Bong left me and headed back to Manila to fetch the rest of the DFCM team for the following day’s journey to the tribe.

April 18 (Tuesday)

Hey! It’s my birthday! And there’s no better way to celebrate the day that the Lord has made than to help our beloved tribe make everyone’s dream come true. Just barely after the sunrise our mission team are all in the port with me with some more boxes of blessings for the people. Immediately we loaded everything on the boats and headed straight to the island of Mindoro where the Iraya Mangyans of Kalansan are eagerly waiting.

From a distance we can see the people building up waiving their hands in great anticipation for us and the arrival of their rice mill. It seemed like it was the usual warm welcome from the tribe but this time their sweet smiles were mixed with tears of so much joy as they joined hands together in unloading the cargos from the boat.

As soon as we were able to bring the rice mill set on land the tribesmen unboxed them and started working on set-up process, foundation forming, engine break-in until the test run.

Before we called it a day we called for a tribal leaders meeting to take up different matters of the community and to plan for the upcoming big event, the dedication service of the new Multi-Purpose Center and the new Rice Mill.

April 19 (Wednesday)

The day started with our mission staff (Ate Ahlie and Ate Grace), ladies from the tribe (Teresa, Rona, Vilma, Olay, Leni, Malise and others) and the whole KKP Scholars (Neneng, Liway, Ange, Bibeth, Beverly, Rhea Mae, Cecil, Icel, Maeng, Rael, Mati and Utoy) preparing for the feeding program. In this visit we were able to provide solid meals for everyone for three full days.

Part of the day’s activities is the registration for KAKAMPI membership which was participated by two communities, Kalansan and Agbalite. The response of the people was overwhelming that we ran out of forms to provide for all the applicants, we will continue this registration on the next mission trip as we bring more forms in the multipurpose center.

April 20 (Thursday)


4:00pm in the edge of the rice field

The moment we all have been preparing for and waiting for, the time when we as one tribe and family lift up to the Lord in thanksgiving the biggest blessing in their lives. We all gathered on the unfinished elevated drying floor where our new barn is constructed. One by one we came, filled with excitement and gratitude in our hearts.

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The ceremony started with prayers and songs, messages of thanksgiving from the youth, the elders, the tribal leaders and the pastors were shared to inspire everyone. Then it was followed by the oath taking ceremony of the elected and appointed KAKAMPI Officials. After I shared a message taken from the book of Matthew chapter 5 in the Bible which the candle and salt ceremony was inspired. This moment was the most solemn part as everyone held lighted candles and pinches of salt in their hands as we all sing Tagalog Hymns to the Lord and offered the dedication prayer. Then Ate Ahlie, Ate Grace joined me in the ceremonial cutting of ribbons as the KKP Scholars, KAKAMPI Officals, Tribal Leaders and the communities of Kalansan and Agbalite watched and applauded the moment.

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The ceremony was concluded with giving away Bawat Butil Program shirts and bags of rice. We also have prepared food and refreshments for everyone plus apples ass highly requested by the children of Kalansan.

April 21 (Friday)

This is the last day for the DFCM Team but not for me. And before they head back home our team maximized the time with the tribe as  we enjoyed games with the kids one last time and the highlight of the game lineup is the “apple eating contest” where our kids had their very first experience playing this game. We also had some interviews with more aspiring applicants for KAKAMPI membership and few more round-ups in the tribe.

After packing-up our team headed to the shore where their service boat is waiting to take them back to Calatagan Batangas. The kids found it hard to say goodbye for now as much as the adults too. There may be tears in our eyes but we are sure these are of great joy. As the kids wave their hands to the team slowly sailing away all we can say is “THANK YOU LORD FOR ANOTHER VICTORY!”

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KALANSAN  (“salansan” in Tagalog) – is Iraya Mangyan’s word for “pile” because this community on the foot of Mt. Calavite is established over pile of rocks. We can notice that well from the shore where there is almost all flat rocks and pebbles and a very scarce amount of sand. Also, right around the limited area for rice fields are boulders of solid rocks where soil is not very much established.

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DID YOU KNOW that the people of Kalansan, Agbalite and other neighboring Iraya Mangyan communities are very industrious?

They work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months per year just to provide food for their families which is just enough for 3 months. But with BAWAT BUTIL PROGRAM, our livelihood projects for the tribes we are hoping to multiply their production and in two years time they can feed their families 12 months per year, HUNGER BUSTED!

Below are photos of our “FIRSTFRUITS” in rice milling.

One Less Hungry Tribe in the World…


Our DFCM Team…

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(left to right: Kuya Bong Suarez, Kuya JR Pinga, Ate Ahlie Catanghal, Ate Grace Suarez, Kuya Anthony Misarez and Pastor Ernie Catanghal)

(not able to join this mission trip: Ate Jheng  and  Ate Marlyn)

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(in photo: Bernabe Cabcaan of Kalansan Tribe)

To God Be The Glory!

Drops of Faith Christian Missions

April 2017

Let’s open their dream’s horizon.

Our very remote tribal community is blessed to have a schooling program from the Department of Education. But this program is limited to grade 6 only, upon reaching this level majority of the kids cease in their dream because it will be very difficult for them to pursue the next level (grade 7) offered only in the town which is across Mt. Calavite. Very few dreamers will work as house helpers or farm workers in town in exchange for a small space to stay in while attending school, but would end up getting exploited and would eventually make them stop schooling.



DFCM saw the need of these young dreamers, and we provided a housing for them. Our Mission Center is like a dormitory for our Iraya Mangyan scholars in town. As part of this program they are recognized as KKP Scholars or Kalingang Kapatid Program Scholars. Each one who will qualify for this scholarship will be thoroughly provided for their daily allowances both in the Mission Center and in school. Operational expenses is the biggest challenge for us and this is the area where we need your support and partnership.


Our KKP Sponsors are the wind beneath our wings, our vey invaluable partners in the field. There are more of these young dreamers still waiting for their sponsor. It can be you!

If you want to know more how to be a KKP Sponsor please feel free to ask us about it. You may email Pastor Ernie at and he will be very much happy to show you how.

Thank you so much and God bless you always!

Bawat Butil Program

Our livelihood program is relentless in its campaign to raise a farming facility for the Iraya-Mangyan tribe of Kalansan and its neighboring tribal communities. This is one way for DFCM to address poverty in the land, equipping the people to help themselves break the bondage of slavery and poverty.


If you are moved to share your life and take part in changing the course of this tribal communities you may get in touch with Pastor Ernie Catanghal, our DFCM Mission Director and he will be more than glad to show you how.

God bless you and may He make you a blessing too!

DFCM and Community Development

Drops of Faith Christian Missions (DFCM) is an independent Christian missionary work to the tribe. Our work since 1999 has involved volunteers and partners, individuals and people group alike, from different walks of life that has expressed their desire and commitment to cooperate and reach out to the tribes through the inspiration of the Spirit of God in them. These people have been rendering their invaluable service and resources through cheerful giving for the love of God and fellowmen, and under one vision which God has given through the foundation of the mission work of DFCM.


Under the cooperation of DFCM and our Partners we have initiated different self-sustainable programs that will attend to the holistic needs of the tribal community. These programs which started small evolved through God’s wisdom and grace into a diverse community development program. DFCM is committed to pursue this divine direction by exploring advance methodologies and partnerships to achieve our ultimate goal -to see the tribe for the tribe, Mangyans ably helping Mangyans.

Our Community Development Four Step Process

Community development is a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems. Community well-being (economic, social, environmental and cultural) often evolves from this type of collective action being taken at a grassroots level. -United Nations

Community development seeks to empower individuals and groups of people with the skills they need to effect change within their communities. These skills are often created through the formation of social groups working for a common agenda. Community developers must understand both how to work with individuals and how to affect communities’ positions within the context of larger social institutions.


Programs for the Tribal Community Development Program:

Community economic development (CED); an alternative to conventional economic development which encourages using local resources in a way that enhances economic outcomes while improving social conditions.

Community-driven development (CDD), an economic development model which shifts overreliance on central governments to local communities.

Asset-based community development (ABCD); is a methodology that seeks to uncover and use the strengths within communities as a means for sustainable development.
Participatory planning including community-based planning (CBP); involving the entire community in the strategic and management processes of urban planning; or, community-level planning processes, urban or rural.

Community organizing; a term used to describe an approach that generally assumes that social change necessarily involves conflict and social struggle in order to generate collective power for the powerless.

Sustainable development; which seeks to achieve, in a balanced manner, economic development, social development and environmental protection outcomes.

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To be able to secure a continues stewardship for the program DFCM has established the local community organization for the Iraya Mangyan tribe which is KALIPUNAN NG MGA KATUTUBONG MANGYAN NA PINAGPALA (K.A.K.A.M.P.I.). The leadership of this organization is decided through an exclusive Mangyan election process. Once the leadership positions has been established a special program for proper teaching and training will be conducted under the ministry of DFCM. This will equip every community leader on their respective roles and responsibilities and how to work effectively as one unit for the benefit of the community. Along this process DFCM will provide and assist the community in raising relevant, strategic, self-sustaining projects for livelihood which is under BAWAT BUTIL PROGRAM. Once the leadership and the community mature in this collaborative process the organization can secure government registration as a legitimate Cooperative Organization.


Building Hope, Making History

The Iraya-Mangyan community in Kalansan have expressed their unanimous intention of not only supporting this very first Multi-Purpose Center Project but of contributing through the best of their capacity and means by providing a lot with a structure where the center can start with.


This structure is an old Mangyan house which is unusually big for a commoner in the community, which is owned by a visually impaired old man, Tatay Guding Tungkarawin, who then decided to give up the house for the better use of the community.

Also, the tribal leaders have convened and committed all the families of the tribe to contribute to raise a carabao (water bufalo) or an equivalent amount of a carabao to payback the expenses of the old man. They also expressed their commitment to share whatever indigenous materials they can produce for this project. They will also render their service in building this multi-purpose center.

mission station

Our role now is to help providing the rest of the building materials, the supplies and equipment we will be putting inside the children’s library, the health clinic, the cooperative office, and also providing the tribesmen the proper education and training they need, to facilitate and maintain the functions in this multi-purpose center. We also need to provide them with the self-sustaining programs that will lead them to self-reliance and progressive life.

To all who have shared their blessings and are continuously helping us work on this very meaningful project for the Iraya-Mangyan tribe in behalf of the people we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.




What else do we need?

We also are praying for medicines for the pharmacy, solar panel system, a generator, a rescue/ambulance boat,  a basic dental chair (used/unused), and livelihood projects.

For inquiries kindly email us at

Or to send support kindly click this link for info:

This Multi-purpose Center will be first and only in this side of the northern part of the island. There are many other adjacent communities who will surely benefit from this project.

Will you join us make a history and build hope in their lives?


A Mission Station in the Tribe

DFCM MC to KalansanDue to the very remote location of the Iraya Mangyans in Kalansan the people hardly receive any form of aid and services coming from both the local and national government. And since the mission work of DFCM recognizes the predicaments of the situation of this community a series of projects are being raised up for them and the mission sees the importance of proper stewardship of the blessings which are being brought to them.  In line with this DFCM is now providing teachings and training for the people on how to make the projects self-sustainable. Also, DFCM found the necessity of putting up a station that will house all the vital and long-term projects for the community.

Below is an architectural presentation of a proposed mission station that will be built inside the tribal community of Kalansan (Iraya Mangyan). This structure will serve as the health clinic, library, lounge area, cooperative office and store, stockroom for the lighting project, emergency management system (EMS), pharmacy, and a missionary quarter with toilet & bath and a small kitchen/dining area.

mission stationThis project will be situated in an area duly designated by the tribal community leaders for the specific purpose. The community committed to provide the space and the materials while the DFCM will help on producing other construction materials.

Most of the materials and finish to be used for this structure will be from the indigenous materials the tribe uses for their houses. This will preserve the natural look and culture of the community.

DFCM is praying for partners in building and completing this project.

Will you care to join us?